“我的精酿梦,是有世界各地的啤酒疯子来到我的门口排队,把新鲜灌装的限量新酒人肉背回去,与好友分享,这可能是痴人说梦,可能做到这件事的并不是我,但我相信不久的将来中国一定会出现这样的精酿品牌。” -- 始觉
当歌精酿,由酿酒师始觉创立,最早让“当歌”出名的就是那一款 “当歌世涛”,它屡获大奖并深受大家喜爱,从2015年一出道,当歌就获得了第一届BeijingBrew(当时还叫“中国精酿展”)12月12日12人世涛挑战赛的冠军。我与始觉,便是在那时相识。始觉的话不多,却是个极度热爱生活的人。对自己的作品,他有着近乎偏激的坚持。过去几年里面,我们一直在请始觉为北平机器拍照,只要他在北京,从不推辞。新酒、新菜、周边,总是能把我们想要的感觉拿捏到位。在我们的拍摄需求之外,他经常会即兴创作。
其中2021年澳大利亚 AIBA国际啤酒大奖赛中,当歌送交6款产品全部获奖,取得2金1银3铜,1奖杯的佳绩,当歌最拿手的香草咖啡帝国世涛,在获得增味组金奖的同时,更获得增味组总冠军的超重大奖。世界三大啤酒赛事之一的2021年比利时 布鲁塞尔啤酒挑战赛,斩获2金1银及赛事全场总冠军,系中国品牌首次获此殊荣。这个正在不停创造荣耀、充满潜力的中国精酿品牌,在2022年6月15日,因为始觉的意外离世,突然停下了脚步。一共7款,其中包括始觉最后的作品:当歌净化美式IPA。DANGGE Coco-Pineapple Berliner Weisse一款酿造中加入了大量菠萝原汁,及椰浆的柏林酸小麦,菠萝香、椰香、麦香,依次袭来,乳酸、乳糖烘托出饱满口感。在今晚的IPA和世涛之前,先来一杯这个开开胃吧。2021日本International Beer Cup特殊酸小麦组银奖。This is a Berliner Weisse brewed with a lot of pineapple juice and coconut milk. The lactic acid and lactose enrich the flavors of pineapple, coconut, and malt. You may have this beer as an appetizer before tonight's IPA and Stout.2021 International Beer Cup silver medal.DANGGE Breeze Session IPA当歌这款产品无论在精酿爱好者和普通消费者中,都获得超佳反馈。微风不燥,阳光正好,一杯饱含水果香气的畅饮型Session IPA,也许正是你想要的。低苦度,低酒精度,高酒花香气,你可以一…直…喝……2020CBC中国国际啤酒挑战赛二星天禄奖。2021澳大利亚AIBA国际啤酒大奖赛铜奖。When the sun is right, while the breeze is not dry, a fruity session IPA might be your best choice to enjoy the moment! Low bitterness, lower alcohol content but high hop aroma, a beer you can drink on repeat! 2020 China International Beer Challenge two star awards.DANGGE Passion Fruit Gose采用新鲜的百香果原果酿制,喜马拉雅粉盐则带来了一丝微妙的咸味,止渴生津Brew with fresh Passion fruit, Himalayan pink salt brings a subtle salty taste to quench thirst.DANGGE Back to West Coast DIPA
ABV 8.0% IBU 60
Maybe all you need now is the flavor of hops that can brings you happiness, the alcohol that can brings you a sense of security, and perhaps the crystal clear appearance. Now, it's time to back to the west coast.DANGGE Hazelnut Chocolate Imperial Stout好像一杯可以喝的费列罗巧克力,浓烈的酒体中加入浓浓的榛子酱和可可豆碎,三种不同介质却拥有了融合的气质,醇香四溢,滑润不腻,让帝国世涛这个风格也有了易饮的属性。2021澳大利亚AIBA国际啤酒大奖赛巧克力增味组金奖。It's like a cup of desserts that can be drink. The thick hazelnut sauce and cocoa nibs are added to the strong stout. However, the three different mediums blended perfectly. They are mellow, smooth and not greasy, which makes imperial stout easy to drink.DANGGE Blazing Sun Barley Wine这款色泽迷人的大麦烈酒,红色酒体如一抹骄阳,麦香、焦糖香浓郁,甜厚的口感和对于酒精感、苦度的控制,让它成为一款畅饮型大麦烈酒。This charming barley wine has a red body like a touch of blazing sun, with strong malt and caramel aromas,The sweet and thick taste and the control of alcohol and bitterness make it a easy to drink barley wine.DANGGE Purify American IPA除了常规酒花品种和工艺之外,在干投阶段采用了浓缩酒花Cryo Hops,这是一种去除了啤酒花中可能带来不良风味的杂质,天然提纯的酒花产品,让这款美式IPA香气更加纯净,口感更加柔和。In addition to the conventional hops varieties and processes, the concentrated hop Cryo Hops is used in the dry hoping, which is a naturally purified hop product that removes the impurities that may bring harsh in hops, making this American IPA more clean in aroma and softer in taste.
E101,46 Fangjia Hutong,BeijingE102,46 Fangjia Hutong,Beijing1st Floor, 8 Gongti Xilu,BeijingHuangbaoche,No.31-8,Baiziwan Road, BeijingNo.13, Nafu Hutong ,BeijingPeiping Machine Long TanzhonghuLongtan Road No.1A1, Dongcheng, Beijing
福建省厦门市思明区莲岳路213号NOA Hotel一层1st Floor,NOA Hotel,213 Lianyue Road,Xiamen,Fujian Province1st Floor,Block E,Future City JOY PARK,Jiedaokou,Wuhan,Hubei Province重庆市渝北区紫薇路99号
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